Some days, well, some days are just that. The last few days I’ve been waking up sad and very unfocused. I’m not saying that I’m the most focused person as it is, but I just couldn’t quite figure out what’s been bugging me. Manservant has his faults, but I knew it wasn’t anything he did. (Well, I probably shouldn’t look to hard!) Nope. It wasn’t. And then I remembered. Not that I’ve forgotten, but I’m not the best at dates. And when you lose something you love, sometimes it isn’t always good to count the days. Of course we all do, because that’s what makes us human.
I counted days for a long time after George died. And then the days become weeks and then months and finally, just like counting sheep, I lost track. That is, until today. I just felt the tears flowing as I remembered that tomorrow was the day that George died. Today, it seems like it just happened yesterday. And I am feeling sad.
I have a friend in the blogosphere who lost her husband 9 weeks ago. I did not lose my husband. I lost my dog. And I can tell you that it was a hard loss. But thank goodness it wasn’t a husband. George was my friend and my loyal companion and I loved him like I’ve never loved a dog before AND I am still needing hugs. I miss him and I am so ready for a new Skye puppy and I so hope that someone has one soon.
But I did not lose my husband, though there have been moments in life I felt like I did. But he is here and he hugged me today and misses George, too. So today it is Beth that needs a hug. She writes a great blog and she is so strong and fun and amazeballs and I wish I could give her a hug. Lots of hugs. Plus she is a way better exerciser than me and that earns bonus points in my book. She is over the top positive and happy and motivating and she needs a hug, like way more than I do. So if you visit her blog send her a virtual one. She could use it, because today was a tougher day for her, than for me. I’m sure.
It’s funny sometimes, but when I write these blogs I often know not where I’ll go. At lunch Manservant asked me what I was going to write about today and I told him I didn’t know. And I didn’t. Until I sat down and started looking at photos of George and thinking about Beth and then the words came. Tears have a way of making my words spout.
I have a lot to be happy about. This weekend I’ll be in Phoenix for a quick weekend to attend my cousin’s wedding. I’ll see my family and get to hug my princess because she is flying from Philly to meet us. It will be short, but it will be sweet. It is moments in life that make it what it is and it will be a very good moment.
Those things do not take away my remorse, though. They give me something to look forward to. And that is what I believe life is about. Looking forward. Counting our blessings. Doing the best we can. And remembering those we loved and how they made our life so good. By being the best we can be, we honor those who made us what we are. Thank you to George. He was one helluva dog. And I am better for that.
So now that that’s out of system, well at least for a MOMENT, it’s time to talk sweets. Those things that come at the end of the meal. Those things that make you feel better for a second. I’m sending a batch out to Seattle where I’m believing they might need these. Now I am not a football fan. I didn’t even know who was playing until I looked it up. And I hate to say it, but even little me could see that this was one MAJOR screw up. So enjoy Seattle. These are for YOU!
If you want to read how the tin roof sundae may have gotten its name, click here. My mother would probably say, “Who cares? As long as you can eat them.” She always raved about them when I was a kid!
Tin Roof Bars
Serves 8-16 (These are very rich)
Time to Make: About 15 minutes active time
1/2 c soft butter
1/2 c brown sugar
1 c flour
2 eggs
1 c brown sugar
1 t vanilla
1 c coarsely chopped salted peanuts
1 1/4 c milk chocolate chips
1/2 c dulce de leche (optional)
Sprinkle of coarse salt
Preheat oven to 350. Cream butter and sugar until light. Add flour and mix well. Press into a greased 8 x 8 pan. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes or until a pale gold color. Cool crust.
Beat eggs and 1 c brown sugar until smooth. Add vanilla and mix well. Set aside.
When crust is cool sprinkle with milk chocolate chips and peanuts. Pour egg and sugar mixture over top. Bake for 30-35 minutes until center of mixture is not jiggly. Take out and let cool. Before serving spread with dulce de leche. And sprinkle with coarse salt. Or not. Your choice. Just don’t throw; an interception that is!
Other Super Bowl Food:
Saigon Crunch Chex Mix
Buttery Garlic Parmesan Potato Chips
Italian Nachos
Pimento Less Cheese
World’s Best Onion Dip
3 Ingredient Artichoke Dip
Thai Peanut Pork Dip
Dan Dan Sliders or Chinese Sloppy Joe
Microwave Caramel Corn
Texas Chocolate Sheet Cake
Monday 9th of February 2015
Thank you so much for the shout out Abbe - I know it doesn't compare to losing a husband, but losing a pet is very hard - we had to put our dog down two years ago this month, and it was probably about six weeks after he was gone that I said to Tony "there is no more dog hair in the vacuum cleaner." Hugs to you, and thank you for your continued virtual hugs!
Choc Chip Uru @ Go Bake Yourself
Sunday 8th of February 2015
I personally have never had to lose a dog but once, I had to take a dog I found injured to the vet and it was awful. I can't imagine the pain ever of losing a dog. And poor Beth, all I can say is I'm sending her my love.On a nicer and more comforting note, these peanut bars look so delicious :)
Abbe Odenwalder
Wednesday 11th of February 2015
Thanks Uru! Maybe one day you will have your own pet. In the meantime, just keep saving animals!
Carol at Wild Goose Tea
Sunday 8th of February 2015
I already follow Beth. Very kind of you to mention and link to her. I lost a husband and a most particularly wonderful dog. When I have a time when a new batch of tears come to the surface out of the blue, I call them grief pockets. So hugs to you my dear.
Abbe Odenwalder
Wednesday 11th of February 2015
Aw Carol. You've been through it too? Grief pockets. So true. I've been following Beth awhile and just love her. And You! I have big shoulders Carol, if you ever need one!
Sharon D
Saturday 7th of February 2015
..Here's a nice warm hug... ((hug)). You're right. We're only human. I don't think the sadness really goes away. I lost my aunt to cancer a couple of years ago. We were together for almost eight and out of hospitals. Aah...I never really talk about it because I find it too painful to. Have a nice day, Abbe xo
Abbe Odenwalder
Wednesday 11th of February 2015
Takes a long time to not cry, doesn't it? It's a good thing she had you, Sharon.
Maureen | Orgasmic Chef
Friday 6th of February 2015
I'm sorry about George and I hope you get a new 2nd best friend soon. I'm going to visit Beth as soon as I write this.
You and I write the same way. I have no idea where the words come from, nor do I wish to investigate it. I just know that when I sit down, my fingers start tapping and I tap until I don't have anything else to say. Must be why I love visiting you.
I love the dish in the top photo!
Abbe Odenwalder
Wednesday 11th of February 2015
Thanks Maureen. I love your blog, too! And tap, tap, kind of a mystery what comes out of our souls! The dish in the top photo comes from Israel. I have a collection of them and they are hand done by the Armenians. Many are machine painted, but I always try to find those that aren't!