Since there are no more chocolate wafers to be bought at the grocery, I decided to make this famous chocolate wafer icebox cake recipe with the whole Oreo! Almost better than the Whole Enchilada!
Picture a scorching hot summer day, which it has been here in Colorado, a day when turning on the oven to bake desserts is as unthinkable as wearing a winter coat.
Yet, amid the sizzle of the sun, I felt the need to make a birthday cake because Alex and Zoe are turning 33.
Last year when Alex was here for his birthday we made a coffee praline icebox cake from The New York Times.
It was good, but as my dad would have said, it is a lot of potchke-ing.
(Yiddish-to fuss around in the kitchen.)
Well today, I present in honor of Alex and Zoe’s birthday a very easy, very good, Oreo cookies zebra cake.
(Perfect since Zoe’s favorite animal was the zebra. Get it? Z for zebra?)
This easy dessert, kind of a chocolate icebox cake, can be prepared several ways.
Time to unravel the secrets behind the iconic Chocolate Wafer Icebox Cake!
With just a handful of simple ingredients and a touch of creativity, we’re about to craft a dessert masterpiece that Zoe and Alex would devour!
The hardest part about making this cake is deciding what kind of Oreo to look for in the grocery store.
I made mine from the traditional Oreo, but perhaps you want the golden kind or the double stuffed version.
Or might it be the mint or the lemon?
Since Nabisco, (the National Biscuit Company) stopped making chocolate wafers you can now begin to unleash your creativity.
After all. YOLO!
What ingredients do you need for this chocolate wafer icebox cookie recipe?
Just 4 basic ingredients in this ice box cake.
Yes, you read that right.
I’ve seen recipes that use Cool Whip and cream cheese, but we are going to stick to the basics.
So go buy some heavy whipping cream, powdered sugar or confectioners’ sugar, (same thing) vanilla extract and your choice of cookies.
Now if you want to jazz up this icebox cake recipe, you don’t have to use plain vanilla whipped cream between the layer of cookies.
Not that that isn’t perfectly sublime, but I did a three layer version using a mocha whipped cream, a cocoa whipped cream and the standard vanilla whipped cream.
Take your pick or use all three, just like I did.
In that case, you need some unsweetened cocoa, and some espresso powder.
I assembled the whole thing in a 6″ springform pan.
After all, there were just two of us, but you can make this cake in a larger pan if you’d like.
But then you probably wouldn’t have any leftover Oreos.
Boo hoo!
This is the time to use your electric mixer, but a handheld mixer will work also.
In a very chilled bowl, use the whisk attachment and beat the heavy cream until soft peaks form.
Stir in the powdered sugar, so it doesn’t fly all over your kitchen, and turn on the mixer again and beat until stiff peaks form.
Do not overbeat or you will end up with very sweet butter!
If you want to flavor this, now is the time.
I divided the cream equally into three layers.
I flavored one with unsweetened cocoa and another with ground espresso. The last one I added the vanilla extract.
How To Assemble this Chocolate Wafer Icebox Cake Recipe:
In the springform pan spread a thin layer of whip cream on the bottom of the pan.
Place 11 Oreos on top of the whipped cream. Two of the Oreos will have to be broken in half to fill in the center gap.
Spread with 1/3 of your chosen whipped cream.
Repeat with another layer of cookies. Spread another 1/3 of whipped cream and then another layer of cookies and the final third layer of cream.
The top of the cake can be decorated with a sprinkle of cocoa powder, chocolate shavings or crushed Oreos.
However, I chose sprinkles!
Truly it is not a birthday party unless there are sprinkles!
With the layers complete, it’s time to let your creation rest.
For best results an icebox cake needs a night in the icebox so the flavors meld together.
The cream softens the cookies, and the chocolate cookie flavors infuse the cake.
(My chocolate wafer icebox cake recipe was only in the refrigerator for about 8 hours. So do what works for you.)
With a sharp knife, slice into the cake, revealing the black and white layers, which may be one reason this is called a famous chocolate wafer icebox cake.
This creamy dessert transforms once-crisp cookies into resembling Oreos that have been dipped into a glass of milk.
And who didn’t do that?
Realizing I couldn’t eat the whole cake and with Manservant leaving on a fishing trip, I decided the two sweet girls who live next door might appreciate a back to school cake.
So I covered this chilled cake with plastic wrap and offered it to them.
They immediately brought back my serving platter so I figured this old fashioned icebox cake was a hit.
Whether this is the perfect dessert for summer or just a wonderful dessert doesn’t really matter.
What matters is watching someone’s eyes light up when you serve them cake.
Truly, it’s one of the best things about cake.
Well, that and celebrating a birthday! With a cake!
Alex and Zoe are 33!
It is hard for me to believe, but this is the same age I was on the day they were born.
I’ve written about them on many birthdays and on the birthdays I didn’t, it wasn’t that I didn’t reflect.
It is that time sometimes gets in the way.
Like where did it go? How can my kids be 33? At my age it seems it’s more reflecting on my life, than their’s.
Without a doubt though, the best thing I ever did was having them.
Though not every day has been picture perfect-sorry my sweet ones-every day has not gone uncounted, and I still gaze upon you with awe.
Almost like that moment you were born. Counting your fingers and toes and being grateful they weren’t short and stubby like mine.
Thinking you were the most beautiful babies in the nursery. (Well, you were.)
Zoe you were so tiny I remember the infant outfit I bought you to go home in was gigantic.
And Alex how you felt so much heavier than her. Just shows that 1.9 pounds can be a huge weight loss or a huge gain!
In this case it was a double win for your dad and I, as two prouder parents there never were.
Well, everyone says that!
Truth is there weren’t many times you disappointed us.
The roads you have travelled may not have been what we would have chosen, but then again, maybe it would have.
I could have never predicted that Alex would be fluent in Mandarin and Zoe fluent in math.
As a parent you never know what path your kids will take but I do think you took the path best suited for you.
Even if I may not have thought it at the time!
But what am I most proud of?
I’m proud that I raised two incredible human beings.
Two people who are kind and generous and thoughtful.
Two people who aren’t afraid to speak up and stand up for what they believe in.
Two people who are humble and honest and persist in achieving their goals.
Whether it is through work or through play, somehow you both give it your all.
For that I am grateful. You have never given up.
Life is not always perfect, but you persisted and had faith that all would be OK, and that is not always easy.
You are both forgiving-maybe not on the same days- but ultimately you see the light.
You are honest. You are proud of your faith and I believe you are proud of each other.
For all this and more, I am happy to be your mother.
Your birthday is a gift to me and I am grateful to celebrate it each year.
And this year-there is cake!
Bet you can’t resist this chocolate wafer icebox cake recipe?
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Need Some More?
No Churn Chocolate Oreo Ice Cream

Chocolate Wafer Icebox Cake Recipe
- Prep Time: 15 Minutes
- Total Time: 8 to 12 hours*
- Yield: 6 Servings 1x
- Category: Dessert
- Cuisine: American
This dreamy Oreo icebox cake recipe is incredibly easy to make. Incredibly easy to eat, too. And feel free to flavor your whipped cream however you want!
1 package Oreos of your favorite flavor (You should need about 33 Oreos for 1 6″ cake.)
3 c heavy whipped cream
1/2 c powdered sugar
1 t vanilla extract
2 t instant espresso powder (optional) for 1/3 of the cream
1 T unsweetened cocoa, strained through a wire mesh strainer (optional) for 1/3 of the cream
Empty whipping cream into the large bowl of your mixer. Using the wire whisk attachment, whip until soft peaks form. Add the powdered sugar and stir in. Then beat until stiff peaks form.
(Alternatively, use a hand held mixer to whip the cream.)
Divide whipped cream into thirds if you are using different flavors. If not just flavor the entire batch any way you want.
Spread a thin layer on the bottom of the springform pan. Place Oreos on top. You may need to cut two Oreos to squeeze in around the center Oreo. Top with 1/3 of the whipped cream.
Repeat the step above two more times. You should end up with three layers of cookies and three layers of cream not including the thin layer at the bottom. Feel free to use all three flavors or just one!
Top the cake with plastic wrap and chill the cake overnight.
Run a knife around the edge of the pan and remove sides. Place on a serving plate and top with sprinkles, chocolate shavings or cocoa.
Think of the possibilities! Pumpkin Oreos with pumpkin flavored cream. Lemon Oreos with lemon flavored cream. Mint Oreos with mint whipped cream. As long as they keep making Oreos I will think of a combination!
- Chilling time is 8 to 12 hours.
Jeff the Chef @ Make It Like a Man!
Sunday 27th of August 2023
I had no idea that Nabisco stands for the National Biscuit Company. That's interesting. Your cake looks like a lot of fun!
Sunday 27th of August 2023
I had no idea either until I found it on the Nabisco site! And a fun cake is good because all birthdays should be fun, right? Thanks Jeff!
Lea Ann
Saturday 26th of August 2023
Happy Birthday to Alex and Zoe! And what a fun cake. Saving this recipe.
Sunday 27th of August 2023
Thank Lea Ann. It was fun to make, too!