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Blueberry Chicken Pesto Salad or Fast Friday

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I, like really, did not plan on making this. I really planned on going out for dinner but our budget had different ideas. And so it is that I found myself scrounging in the fridge at 7PM trying to make something that would satisfy me. Truthfully, I think a potato would make me happy but rabbit catcher wants to avoid those white things. In any case, I found myself with leftover grilled chicken breasts, leftover pesto and lots of blueberries. I was going to post a recipe on Chocolate Cherry Crumb cookies- a take off from the Milk Bar cookbook – but that will have to wait. I have to clean the house and finish up some orders and it’s Friday and a friend’s birthday but that doesn’t have anything to do with anything. I’m just tired!

After making this chicken salad, I thought it quite pretty and though it was almost dark-the days are getting shorter already-I decided to take a few quick pictures. I didn’t know I’d be in a war zone, a battle zone of hummingbirds, fighting to get to my feeder. Yes, I was being dive bombed by hummers. Finally, after so many years of having hummingbirds in the mountains, they  have finally found my feeder here in the city. Now if anyone can give me pointers on how to photograph hummers I would appreciate it.

We have one bright orange one who appears to be the bad boy of the bunch.

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He fluffs out his tail feathers and chases the others away. They hang tight sitting in the trees and then turn their electric engines on and buzz in the minute he leaves. Literally they flew right past my face and hovered right in front of me while I was trying to take pictures of this chicken salad. And so I got diverted and ended up with this.


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And this.


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But then we ate. And I have to tell you it is all gone. It filled the bill, so they say. You may not have hummers but you can make this. It is good and quick and perfect for a fast Friday. I don’t know what’s for dinner tonight but you can bet I’ll be waiting for my hummers during happy hour. Maybe I’ll be a little quicker this time or maybe I’ll even read the book on how to adjust my settings.


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Blueberry Chicken Pesto Salad 
(Serves 2)

2 leftover grilled chicken breasts chopped
1/4 c leftover pesto (you can use this or basil pesto would work, too)
1/4 c mayonnaise
1 large celery stalk, chopped
1/3 c diced onion
1/2 c fresh blueberries
Salt and Pepper

Mix all together and serve with crackers or roll up in lettuce leaves.

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A Few More to Try:
Summer Corn Pasta with Burrata
Kale Salad with Cherries, Almonds and Feta
Egg Salad

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Natalie G

Sunday 4th of August 2013

such a unique salad, great for summer!

Abbe Odenwalder

Wednesday 7th of August 2013

Thanks, Natalie~

Laura Dembowski

Sunday 4th of August 2013

I love hummingbirds so much! We have lots of them around here but they are not that ferocious :) Ours scatter pretty quickly when they see people. But they are one of my favorite things about summer. Adding blueberries to chicken salad is a great idea!

Abbe Odenwalder

Wednesday 7th of August 2013

Put up a feeder and I bet they will go used to you. Blueberries in chicken salad is great!


Sunday 4th of August 2013

Never would have thought to combine blueberries with pesto but why not? I bet it was really tasty, Abbe, and thanks for the idea. Although we have a few hummingbird species, I've never seen an orange one. From what I have seen, they are territorial and "own" the feeders. The owner will expend a great deal of energy chasing off the others.

Abbe Odenwalder

Wednesday 7th of August 2013

I'd never seen an orange one either. I looked it up and it is called a Rufous hummingbird and they do chase others away. Never knew that! I'm ready to chase him away!

Liz Berg

Saturday 3rd of August 2013

There is so much I love about this recipe! First, adding pesto...amazing flavor booster! And also adding yummy! Perfect summer meal.

Abbe Odenwalder

Wednesday 7th of August 2013

Definitely worth doing again, Liz!

Paula @ Vintage Kitchen Notes

Saturday 3rd of August 2013

This is such an interesting salad, and I usually have all ingredients around! I agree with Angie with the yogurt, it would make me feel better, ja. I used to have hummingbirds around my house many years ago, such a gorgeous bird.

Abbe Odenwalder

Wednesday 7th of August 2013

They are fun to watch, too! Yes, yogurt would save a few cals but mayo does taste good, too!